How to lose your dignity at the Chemist

Have you ever had a haemorroids  hemmoroids hemmorrhoids?  God, I can’t even spell them.

Well I suffer from the above ailment.  Or as I like to call it: A Dinosaur-arse.

Of course there are readily available medicines for this condition.  Namely suppositories. However, there is a catch to acquiring them.  Read more at Weekend at Rosys.

ps.  While you’re there, hit subscribe, to receive daily Rosy posts straight to your inbox.  Love your work! x

The blogger formerly known as Amy

I have a new name.  Re-christened if you like – by the young 20 somethings at work.

Yo y’all.  From now this sister’s name is  A-DAWG.

Read more at my new blog: Weekend at Rosys

ps.  While you’re there, hit subscribe, to receive my daily posts straight to your inbox.  Love your work! x

Could this be the key to happiness?

Ahem.  This is Mr F.  Looks like he’s found his happy place.  Would you agree?

Hmmm.  I’m just going to come out and say it.

I CANNOT remember seeing Mr F this happy!  Except for those obvious moments of joy, like: seeing me every day, listening to my amazing stories, massaging my feet, and dressing himself up in a frock.

Okay that last one was a lie.

Mr F met the Grid Girls last weekend at the Gold Coast 600 (V8 Car Racing).  I believe he was very displeased to be swamped by them, but had the strength and uncanny ability to fake this heartfelt, golden smile for the camera.

Mind you, for many years it has been my understanding that what happens on the track stays on the track.  Just like any girls weekend.  But this photo was SOMEHOW leaked by Mr F’s mate.  I’m sure it was just an oversight.  An accidental ‘SEND’ tapped into his phone.  Ha!

As for finding the key to happiness Mr F – if this is it, then enjoy your brief 8 seconds, because you’re coming home to a world of pain!

Now I’m off to find myself some nice young gentlemen scantily dressed and desperately looking for a photo opportunity.

Amy x

If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus

…then Teenage Boys are from Uranus.  Full stop.

I say this based on pure fact my observations, after spending some time with friends and their teenage boys.  I love these boys – they are kind, gentle, and very funny.  They play with my two daughters even though they are years older than them.

But they are definitely from Uranus. For obvious reasons.  This is coming from me – a mother of two daughters – who like PRETTY.

So I’ve come away armed with some key phrases.  My two favourites?

Number 1: Ball Hands.  A nickname.  Not because of his skill with ball games.  But because he likes to check that his own are still there.  Every 5 minutes!

Number 2: Nugg Time. A favourite past-time for teenage boys apparently. And it is Number Two’s. Literally. And is undertaken several times a day.

Not that I’m completely in the dark about teenage boys.  I did grow up with two brothers.

So I must admit that I could not resist my own toilet humour antics.  The double pop-off dance.  I won’t go into it, but you can probably get what it entails.  And how mature it is.

However after my ‘dance’ and much laughter from said boys (and disgust from Mr F), they only tried to top it with a triple pop-off dance.  They were unsuccessful, and I therefore have kept my status as the Queen of this dance.

Hang on…am I really saying this?  Proud of my farting antics?  Could I be from the same Uranis-isan planet as the teenage boys?  Heck, I’m actually worse because I’m a grown up.  Actually an adult might be a better word.  I have so not grown up!

Do you have boys?  What are their favourite antics and phrases?  Does it make you laugh?  Or cry?

Amy xx

Australia’s got talent. Indeed

Australia does have talent.  And today the spotlight is on my fabo friends and their gift for napkin folding.

We were out to dinner on Friday night, and after much other conversation about a number of important topics (*see below), we got onto the art of napkin folding.  Accompanied by full demonstrations, by my super-talented friends.

Yes.  As we bantered and laughed and cried (with laughter), one of my very clever friends pulled a rabbit out of her hat (metaphorically speaking).  What she really did was wow us with some lightening fast napkin origami.  Here it is.  Quite a work of art, I’d say:

A few quick folds and wha-lah!  I give you: A Chicken.  Now that is funny.

So, not to be outdone, Lady No. 2, filled us in on her napkin folding ‘show’ days, and soon whipped this little number up:

Then this:

And the clincher.

Wait for it. Oh Master of Nimble Fingers:

IT IS: The Bird of Paradise.  Too clever.

How cool is this stuff?  The hidden talents of my friends.  I never knew.  I am really impressed. And inspired.

And so my quest for napkin folding perfection has begun.  Here are some samples of my work so far:

“Dinner Just Eaten”

“The Shirt Off My Back”
And finally my masterpiece.

“V for Victory”

Yes friends, we are all winners in the world of napkin folds.  Not to mention brilliant and accomplished sculptors.

I hope to launch a masterclass in the near future, aptly named: “Fold That Napkin”.

Just looking for a venue.  And potential customers.  Oh, and some skills.

What hidden talent/s do you have?  Go on, share with us.  I’m up for a new skill / challenge.

Amy x

* Important topics included:

Carbs – are bad in food, but don’t count in alcohol.  That’s just a given.

YouTube – it takes more than 76 hits to become the new YouTube sensation.  Support our Gangnam Style cause here.

Parking – it’s hard to park straight, let alone avoid the yellow line.

Wine bottles – will move when surrounded by melting ice.  They also talk and are usually asking to be drunk.  Because they’re lonely, but fun, and they want to share.

Sex Toy Slings – umm, don’t ask. But the image was googled.  And thoroughly entertaining.  Especially if you consider the risks involved.  Like being left to hang on the door, completely naked, while your partner gets a drink of water.  Then forgets you’re there and kicks the door open.  So you slam into the wall.  Enough said.