Show me the knitting patterns

I have an online frustration.  Buying Knitting and Crochet pattern books.  Online.

I just have to ask – Where is the detail?  Where are the images of goodness from inside?  You know, the patterns that make up the book? The stuff that inspires me to buy the book?  I need to see more.

In my researchings, online wool stores often only give me a cover shot of the pattern book.  Sometimes there are a few images of patterns from within.  Otherwise some pretty ordinary pics.  Leaving me to… well…leave.  I may not want to crochet a beanie, but I may very well like that scarf on Page Four.  If only I could see it clearly!?

There.  I’ve had my rant.  Or Call to Action for you yarning stores.  Do you agree?  Or am I just going off a bit?  Could this be improved, therefore leading to better pattern sales?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

In saying this, there is a huge positive:  A tall THANK YOU to a few wonderful online stores like Wool Baa and Black Sheep Wool n Wares, that include all pattern images, clear & gorgeous, from within each book.  Makes me love you and want to buy from you!  Not only the pattern, but wool as well.  See, it works in more ways than one.

What is your experience with buying wool, fabric or patterns online?  Is it a fun experience? Easy?  Too hard? Or just not as good as an old-fashioned shop?

Tell me!

Amy x

Kids Knits Patterns


A friend asked me yesterday if I knew of any good knitting/crochet patterns for kids.  Just like waving a red cloth at a bull really. I have quite a few favourites and so thought I’d share just a couple:

Firstly, Numero Uno, I heart this, Top of the List has to be: Amanda Keeys Knitting and Crochet Patterns.

 Pic care of here.

Amanda Keeys is a photographer, based in Tamworth Australia.  Her knitting & crochet patterns are to die for, and she has a heavenly book: Baby Beanies.  Put this in your Must Buy Basket girlfriends (or boyfriends)!

Two (2):  I love Kids Tricot.  Divine patterns for the little ones.  And all buyable online. It’s a french website,  so you just hit Translate and everything is displayed in English.  If that’s the lingo that you speak.

Pics care of here.

Numero Tre: For the boys only – is the good old Panda Play Days Pattern Book.

Pic care of here.  You can buy from, and all good knit/wool stores and Spotlight of course.

So, just a quick snapshot.  Tell me: are you inspired?  Or maybe some good ideas for nana to knit?

Ciao lovelies,  Amy x